About PPR Content Opening

PPR Context, manufactured item, product, resource, and system structures can be opened either from a Search or using the Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command.

See Also
Opening PPR Content Using the Open Command
Opening PPR Content Using the Open Advanced Command
Executing a User-Defined Open

The Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command is available on a PPR Context. It explores in PPR all the objects aggregated under the PPR Context, each under its corresponding node. For the Open command, if the objects under the various nodes are still the same as the ones aggregated under the explored PPR Context, the PPR Context is opened. In that case, no PPR context is created on the fly at opening.

For a manufactured item:

  • Open from Search: the PPR Context is created on the fly.
  • Open using Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder: the PPR Context is created on the fly.

For a product or resource, use simple and advanced capabilities to open product or resource content.

Note: When you open a product or resource in an app with a system editor (Process Planning, for example) using the Open command, the product or resource opens and a root system is created. This is the same behavior as the "special transition" that occurs when you select an object and then the app.

For a system, a system is opened in an authoring session with a new PPR Context dynamically created as top parent node.

  • The Open command is not available for operations.
  • The default behavior is to open with visible expanded children and with all representations.
  • It is possible to configure options for opening content. For more information, see the Me > Preferences > Content Access > Open options described in the Native Apps Preferences Guide.