Opening PPR Content Using the Open Advanced Command

You can use the Open Advanced command to open PPR contexts or PPR objects in an authoring tab.

See Also
About PPR Content Opening
Opening PPR Content Using the Open Command
Executing a User-Defined Open
  1. Create a product structure with a least three levels of products.
  2. Search for the root product and explore it using Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder.
  3. Expand the first level of the root product.
  4. From the tree, remove the product branches that you do not want to open.
  5. Right-click the root product node and select Open Advanced .
    The Open Advanced dialog box appears.
  6. Select the With visible expanded children option in the dialog box and click OK.
    Only visible branches are opened.

Note: For session roots, you can open content in an existing tab or a new tab using the Open Advanced dialog box. This enables you to add content under the existing PPR Context or under a PPR Context that is created in the new tab.

However, if you open a root with some of its children in a tab, and then open other children of the same root in another tab, both tabs display all the children from the existing and new tabs.