About Machine Simulation

Machine simulation differs from the more generic process simulation in that you must select a machine activity to simulate. This could be a manufacturing program or a single machining operation.

This page discusses:

See Also
Simulating NC Tool Paths
Creating a Simulation Object

Part Operation Simulation

If there are multiple part operations in the process, the entire process cannot be simulated with machine simulation.

In some cases you may receive an information message stating:

Change in Machine configuration required to reach the next point. Please check travel limits of the machine OR insert Machine Instruction activity to select a different start configuration.

This message appears if the simulation cannot be carried out any further using the current machine configuration while keeping the machine within the travel limits. This means the machine has reached the last feasible point of the tool path using the current machine configuration. You can continue the simulation because the machine axis moves back into the limits.

Manufacturing Program Simulation

During the simulation of a manufacturing program, the following rules determine machine configuration:

  • If there are multiple configurations to reach a point, the configuration that is within travel limits is chosen.
  • If multiple configurations are within limits, then the one that causes minimum motion is chosen.
  • If all possible configurations are out of limits, the one that causes minimum motion is chosen. Travel limit warnings are generated.

You can enforce a specific configuration to be used for a machining activity by introducing a machine instruction activity before the machining activity.

Machining Operation Simulation

A single machining operation is simulated with respect to the same rules as a manufacturing program.

However, single machining operation simulation is meant to be a quick validation of the tool path, and therefore does not consider the configuration of the machine for the previous activities.