Simulate the Entire Machining Operation
You can simulate the entire machining operation for quick validation of tool path.
> Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Machining NC Machining Apps Common Services > Simulation > Display tool path during maching simuation check box.
Select the Machining Operation then the Machine Operation NamePlay. .
Simulation is done at the Manufacturing Program level also.
The Experience Player and Partial Simuilation appear.
Click Play Forward
to run the simulation.
Note:A number of other commands can also be run while you run the machine simulation, including simulation commands such as Data Readout and view commands such as Zoom In
When you click other commands (example, Zoom In), the simulation pauses. Once that command finishes its work, click Play Forward
to re-start a paused simulation.
When you use the Zoom In command or menu option, you are using a shared command. Using the mouse to Zoom In is not the same as using the Zoom In in this context.