- Reframe On
- Centers the view on the selected object.
- In the 3D View, select an object and click Reframe

- Info On
- Displays information about a selected object.
- For more information, see Info On.

- Global Info
- Displays information about your overall experience.
- For more information, see Global Info.

- Filters
- Refines a context to focus on specific information and lets you create
filter groups.
- For more information, see Create a Selection Filter and Organize Filters with Filter Groups.

- Create Tag Filter
- Lets you create filters based on tags.
- For more information, see Create a Tag Filter.

- Issue Management
- Lets you create and assign issues, and view existing ones directly from the
- For more information, see Common Services for Process Engineering Apps User's Guide: Native Apps: Reporting Issues.

- Documents
- Allows you to manage attachments or specifications of an object to display
them in another panel.