Action Bar: Authoring Section

The Authoring section provides commands to display data on assets and operations, accurate information on activities in your overall experience, and information on compliance with scheduling.

Reframe On
Centers the view on the selected object.
In the 3D View, select an object and click Reframe On.

Info On
Displays information about a selected object.
For more information, see Info On.

Global Info
Displays information about your overall experience.
For more information, see Global Info.

Refines a context to focus on specific information and lets you create filter groups.
For more information, see Create a Selection Filter and Organize Filters with Filter Groups.

Create Tag Filter
Lets you create filters based on tags.
For more information, see Create a Tag Filter.

Issue Management
Lets you create and assign issues, and view existing ones directly from the Application.
For more information, see Common Services for Process Engineering Apps User's Guide: Native Apps: Reporting Issues.

Allows you to manage attachments or specifications of an object to display them in another panel.