About the Multi-Motion Editor

The Multi-Motion Editor displays the robot motions and lets you modify robot motion parameters such as position, configuration name, and turn values of the motion.

This page discusses:

See Also
Editing Motions Using the Multi-Motion Editor

The Multi-Motion Editor appears when you click Edit Robot Motion from a drilling and riveting or milling operation dialog box. It displays one robot motion for each toolpath move.

  • Fastener Location identifies a point that corresponds to a manufacturing fastener position.
  • Robot Motion identifies any robot move to a target position. You can create robot motions using Insert Cartesian Target .
  • Linking Motion identifies points such as approach, retract, and linking points.
  • Cutting Motion identifies a point that corresponds to a machining position.


For each motion, the Multi-Motion Editor provides information such as:

  • Status: displays if the robot reaches the target point.

    Unchecked reachability


  • Target: displays the values of the motion target.
  • Configuration: displays the name of the current robot configuration.
  • Joint value of the auxiliary device.
  • Turn value of the joint. The value can be positive or negative depending on the robot structure. You can modify the value if you want the robot joint to be superior to 360 degrees.
  • Motion type: displays whether the motion is joint or linear. By default, the first motion is joint, and following motions are linear.

Tip: You can double-click or right-click any column to modify a value, motion type or configuration name.


When you open the Multi-Motion Editor, a context toolbar appears with motion options letting you create, modify and delete motions.

Check Reachability
Checks that the robot reaches a specified tool path motion. If not, it automatically computes a value at which the robot can reach the position. This command is available for auxiliary devices (rails) with one DOF only.
Insert Cartesian Target
Adds a robot motion.
Modify Current Target of the Selected Activity
Modifies the position of a motion.
Note: The modification of a linking motion is lost if the tool path is computed again.
Removes a robot or linking motion.

Simulation Player

The simulation player lets you navigate from one motion to another during simulation of the robot.

PlayPlays the entire robot task, from the first motion to the last motion.
PausePauses the simulation at the current motion.


  • To correctly position the robot at each point of the tool path, you must define a direction for the lateral axis (x-axis) when creating manufacturing fasteners. The lateral axis is identified by the shortest arrow when you display manufacturing fasteners in the work area. See Creating Manufacturing Fasteners from Fasteners.
  • To define a repeatable move on robots controlled by a motion controller, you must set the configuration and turn values of the robot.