You can define a paint profile to precisely indicate the painting behavior of an air
brush that is required by the robot.
The paint profile defines every aspect of how the paint travels from the gun to the target surface, including flow rate, transfer efficiency, cone dimensions, and brush positioning.
From the Surface section of the action bar,
select Paint Profile.
You are prompted to select a robot.
In the work area, select the robot that will perform the paint action.
The Paint profile dialog box appears.
You can enter a Name and specify an Index
for the new profile.
Select a brush from the List of nozzles.
Click to add a new brush to define, or to delete the current brush.
In the Paint tab, specify a paint color from the
Nozzle color list.
Several nozzles can be associated to a robot, and each can be activated or deactivated
per profile. Nozzle state allows you to specify whether the
selected nozzle for the current profile is Enabled (paint is
deposited) or Disabled (no paint is processed).
Deposition type allows you to select from two types of paint
Air nozzle deposition sprays paint from the gun and is
deposited from the sole action of the spray.
Electrostatic rotating bell sprays paint from the gun and
paint particles are attracted electrostatically by an electrolytically-processed
paint surface.
Select Air nozzle deposition.
In the Simulation parameters section:
Parameter set is used to specify an integer to identify the
parameters, and is used for download/upload with Robot Programming.
Flow rate specifies the amount of paint dispatched for a
given time period.
Percentage of solids specifies the percentage of the total
paint volume that is due to paint solids.
Gun transfer efficiency specifies the percentage of sprayed
paint solids that will adhere to the surface.
In the Cone dimension section:
Range specifies a distance from the nozzle beyond which
paint will not adhere to the surface.
Width is computed from the current flow rate film build
deposition along X, as defined in the Calibration tab, and
represents the width of the base of the cone.
Length is computed from the current flow rate film build
deposition along Y, as defined in the Calibration tab, and
represents the length of the base of the cone.
Click the Position tab.
In the From list, select a tool profile that the nozzle
position will be positioned relative to.
In the Coordinates section, define X,
Y, Z, Yaw,
Pitch, and Roll offsets relative to
the current TCP position.
Click the Calibration tab and define the Experiment
Gun number specifies the gun number as referenced by the
robot program and is used by upload/download.
TCP speed specifies the speed at which the TCP is traveling
during the experiment.
Test target distance specifies a fixed distance between the
gun nozzle and the surface being painted.
Test fluid flow rate specifies the rate of fluid through the
nozzle during the experiment.
Test % Solids specifies the percentage of total paint volume
that is due to solids during the experiment.
Spray delay ON: specifies a time delay in spray deposition
after paint flow is turned on.
Spray delay OFF: specifies a time delay in spray deposition
after paint flow is turned off.
Film deposition displays deposition values measure along the X
or Y axis of the cone.
Each Index value provides a Thickness
measurement at the specified Position.
Click Add Values to add another value below the current
selected index.
Click Delete Values to remove the currently selected
Import Values allows you to import a set of
position-deposition values from an external file. Existing values are removed and
replaced at the time of import. The imported file must contain four columns of at
least two values.
Export Values exports a set of position-deposition values to
an external file.
Position and Thickness allow you to
edit the current respective values of the selected index.
In the Paint Profile dialog box, click OK
to create the profile.
The new profile appears in the Profilesside tab of the browser.