About Creating Spline Offsets

There are a few things that you need to know about creating spline offsets.

This page discusses:

See Also
Editing Spline Offsets
Creating Spline Offsets

About the Offset Command

When using Offset , the following things are important:

  • The visualization of the offset implies an automatic creation of elements, which are automatically put in no show and construction mode. These elements are put in no show only if Geometrical Constraint in the Sketch section of the action bar is activated. These elements are also deleted if the offset or the original spline are deleted.
  • The created offset is associative with the original spline only if Dimensional Constraint in the Sketch section of the action bar is activated.
  • When creating an offset of a spline, a constraint is automatically created and the offset cannot be deleted.

Inconsistent Spline Offsets

If the reference spline is deleted, the spline offset becomes inconsistent (the spline offset color turns red). As a result, when you exit the Sketcher app the Update Diagnosis dialog box is displayed and an error message appears within the dialog box. Just double-click the spline offset to re-edit it.