
The Qualifications tab lists all qualifications connected to the manufacturer equivalent item.

To access this page, do one of the following:

  • Open a manufacturer equivalent item and click Qualifications


  • Select a manufacturer equivalent item, click Information, and click Qualifications.

This page discusses:


You can click Qualifications to view the details of the respective qualification.

Field Description
Qualification Name

The unique identifier of the object, automatically defined at creation.

You can click the hyperlink to open the qualification.


The revision level of the object.

All revisions connected to the qualification display in numerical sequence.

Context Item

Displays the context items for the equivalent and context qualification. You can click the hyperlink to open My Engineering Item.

Context Type

The context type for the context qualification:

  • Engineering Item
  • Project
  • Plant
  • Product

Prereq Qualification

Displays the equivalent qualification used to create a context qualification.


If you have access, you can add or updated the comment.


If you have access, you can edit the value for equivalent qualifications. Click in the Preferred field and select Yes if the equivalent qualification is preferred or No if the equivalent qualification is not preferred.

Note: You can edit the value for equivalent and context qualifications.

If you have access, you can edit the Approved value. Click in the Approved field and select Yes if the qualification is approved or No if the qualification is not approved. By default, the status is empty. The Approved field must have a value of Yes or No before promoting the qualification to the Released state.


The current maturity state of the object.

You can click the hyperlink to open the lifecycle of the qualification. If you have access, you can promote the qualification.

Creation Date

The date and time when the object was created.

Modification Date

The date and time when the object was last modified. If not modified, this date is the same as the Creation Date.


You can select the qualification and click Information to view the details in the right-side panel. For more information, see Qualification Information Tabs.


If you have access, you can use these actions on the Qualifications toolbar.

Action Description For More Information
Search Filters the list of manufacturer equivalent items to only those that contain the characters that you enter. Enter at least 3 characters to search within the list. -
> New Qualification Creates a general or equivalent qualification connected to the manufacturer equivalent item. The new qualification is listed in the Qualifications table.
Note: For new equivalent qualifications, engineering items in any state display, except Obsolete.
Creating Qualifications
> New Equivalent Engineering Item Creates a duplicate of the manufacturer equivalent item. Creating Equivalent Engineering Items
> Context Qualification > Creates a context qualification in the context of one of the following:
For Engineering Context
Note: Engineering items in any state display, except Obsolete.
Create Context Qualification for Engineering Context
For Project Context
Note: Projects in any state display, except Completed or Archived.
Create Context Qualification for Project Context
For Plant Context
Note: Plants display in the Active state.
Create Context Qualification for Plant Context
For Product Context
Note: Products in any state display, except Inactive or Obsolete.
Create Context Qualification for Product Context
For Manufacturing Items
Revise Creates a revision of a qualification that is in the Released or Obsolete state. Revising Qualifications
Delete Permanently deletes the selected objects.
Note: If you have access, you can delete the selected qualification.

Context Menu

You can click or right-click the qualification and select the following actions:

Action Description
Open Opens the selected object. Opening Qualifications
Revise Creates a revision of a qualification that is in the Released or Obsolete state. Revising Qualifications
Delete Permanently deletes the selected objects. Deleting Qualifications