Supplier Item Qualification Home Page

Before you begin, review the basics of the user interface components specific to this app.

When you open Supplier Item Qualification, the home page is fully expanded and all existing manufacturer equivalent items display in a tile view.

  • Click in the breadcrumbs of any page to return to the home page.
  • Click to collapse the home page to show only icons.
  • Click to expand the home page to show activities and their icons.
  • Click User Assistance at the bottom of the home page to access documentation for this app.

The home page has these options:

Option Description For More Information
New Manufacturer Equivalent Item Creates a manufacturer equivalent item. Creating Manufacturer Equivalent Items
Manufacturer Equivalent Items Lists all manufacturer equivalent items in a tile, thumbnail, or table. Manufacturer Equivalent Item Page
My Qualifications Lists all General Qualifications in a tile, thumbnail, or table. You can filter the list to view General, Equivalent, or Context Qualifications. My Qualifications Page
My Engineering Item Upon selection of an engineering item, the engineering item identity card, manufacturer equivalent items, and context qualifications display. When you select a manufacturer equivalent item from the table, a context qualification displays in the Context Qualifications table. My Engineering Item Identity Card
My Engineering Assembly Lists the engineering assembly and its equivalent manufacturer equivalent item for an engineering item. My Engineering Assembly Identity Card
Admin Panel
Note: If the Activate administration panel check box is selected in Preferences, the Admin Panel displays. For more information, see Choosing Preferences.
Migrates manufacturer equivalent items with manufacturers from 3DSpace into Supply Network Management. Only displays manufacturer equivalent items that have not been migrated. Admin Panel