Removing a Set of Members From a Context Menu

You can easily remove a set of members from a platform using a context menu.

Before you begin: You must remove the granted roles first, including remaining granted roles that are linked to a Grant Roles Only platform.
  • If they have been used once, licenses are locked for thirty days, and cannot be removed until that period of time is over. In this case, instead of fully removing a member, you can remove his platform access. See Removing Platform Access.
  • If your company has purchased access to one platform only, and you remove a member, any granted license which is not linked to a specific platform will be automatically released.
See Also
Pseudonymizing Members
  1. In the Members Control Center widget, select one to n users.
  2. In the lower-right corner, select Open > Remove Users .

The users are removed from the platform and disappear from the Members tab. You can pseudonymize a removed user in the Manage Data Privacy tab available under the Legal tab of the Platform Management dashboard.

  • If the members cannot be removed, platform access is removed instead.
  • If you invite the same user again, he may not retrieve the rights granted by some apps.