Editing Change Template Details

You can edit any change template that you have created or for which you have been assigned responsibility.

Note: Editing the change template does not affect existing change orders based on the template. All change orders created after modifications will reflect the changes.

See Also
About Change Templates
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Access a change template Properties page and click Edit from the page toolbar. For more information, see Change Template Properties Page.
    • Access the Change Templates tab of the Change Management category and click in the Edit column of the template you want to change. See Change Templates Tab.
  2. Make changes, as required.

    The following information can be changed. Type-ahead can be used for fields that require you to select from a chooser.

    Field Description
    Description Details about the change template
    Availability Scope of the template:
    • Personal: any user can define a personal template for their own use.
    • Enterprise: only users with role of Change Administrator can define the Availability. The Responsible Organization is set to your host company or business unit.
    Owning Organization Organization that owns the change template. This is set to your host company or business unit if the Availability is set to Enterprise.
    Change Type Default type or subtype of change orders created using this change template
    Change Policy Default policy of change orders created using this change template
    Category of Change From the list, select the category in which the change belongs.
    Responsible Organization Click to select the business organization where the change has been raised.
    Change Coordinator Click to select the person responsible for change assessment and completion.
    Severity From the list, select the priority of the change.
    Reported Against Click to select the high-level item for which the change was reported.
    Approver List Click to select the member list of users responsible for reviewing and promoting the change from the Review to the In Work state.
    Approval List Click to select the member list of users responsible for approving and promoting the change from the Approve to the Completed state.
    Informed user List Click to select the member list that is notified once the change releases.
    Extended Attributes Dynamic attributes that are shown only if you have added attributes to the change template through the Add Existing command.

  3. Click Done.
  4. You can click either of the following commands from the page toolbar:

    Field Description
    Add Existing Click to search for and add an existing attribute to the change template.
    Remove To remove an attribute, select it and click Remove from the page toolbar. A warning message is shown.
    • Removing an attribute removes the attribute from the actual change order objects (in any state) that were created from the change template.
    • The owner can remove attributes from the change template in any state.