Understand Document Types and Tokens

Exalead CloudView relies on a token-based license, which grants customers the right to process a limited number of documents, as indicated in the Product Portfolio. The following types of documents are available: Log, External Document, Internal Document, and Business Item.

See Also
View Your License Details
Get New License Tokens or Add New Features
Configure Email Alerts When Running Low on Tokens
View User Tokens
Troubleshoot Issues with Licenses

The document type pushed by each connector is defined in the Administration Console. For information about document type settings, see Setting up the Document Type Pushed by a Connector in the Exalead CloudView Connectors Guide.

Document type


Document cost per token


A structured record logging a single event in a system with no rich attribute.


  • an HTTP server log line,
  • a single SAP transaction,
  • a single line of a purchase receipt,
  • an email (excluding attachments).

1 token = 1000 logs

External Document

An unstructured document crawled from websites, which do not belong to the customer.


  • an HTML web page,
  • a PDF document crawled from a website that does not belong to the customer.

8 tokens = 1000 external documents

Internal Document

An unstructured document created by the customer.


  • an internal wiki page,
  • a page of an internal knowledge base portal (even if retrieved using the web crawler),
  • bulk office documents and files on employee hard disk drives.

14 tokens = 1000 internal documents

Business Item

A business document, work product or commodity, used in business operations by the customer.


  • an article in ERP with quantities, price, sourcing;
  • a customer record in CRM with inventory, contracts;
  • one ERP item in a CSV file grouping a set of ERP items;
  • a structured office document, for example, a reference document or final version of a document;
  • a manufactured product processed or sold by the company: part, assembly with requirements, material, weight etc.

60 tokens = 1000 business items

Note: Consolidated documents are not taken into account. Exalead CloudView only counts the tokens of the raw documents entering the Consolidation Server, not those of the documents coming out of it.