What is generated by the Data Model Expansion

When you apply a configuration, the high-level view provided by the Data Model is expanded into the multiple index and search elements.

See Also
About the Data Model
Controlling the Data Model Expansion
Taking Control over Generated Index Fields

The properties that you define generate:

  • Normalization and semantic processing instructions (for alphanumeric fields or facets only). These instructions are contained in semantic processors that are automatically configured and added to the analysis pipeline.

  • New dedicated index fields and category facets mapping document metas in the index schema.

  • Storage settings of index fields in the index schema.

  • Instructions saying whether to allow full-text search on index fields and search with prefix handlers. For example, the query title: Recipes with the title: prefix handler search for documents having Recipes in their titles).

  • The corresponding hit meta and hit facets to display in the search results, and prefix handlers in the search logic.

    Typical Data Model Expansion

For example, creating an alphanumeric property called name in a customer class expands into the following:




Data Processing

A customer_name output context that you can manage to transform/normalize your data before indexation.

Data Processing > Document Processors/ Semantic Processors


A mapping from the customer_name output context to the customer_name field.

If sales is not the default class, the output context name would instead be customer_name.

If the customer_name property is to be both an index field and a facet, the data model creates two customer_nameoutput contexts, with one mapped to the category, the other mapped to the index field.

Data Processing > Mappings

Index schema

An index field of type text called customer_name.

Data model > Advanced Schema

Search Query

A prefix handler called customer_name that targets the customer_name index field.

Search Logics > Query Language

Search Results

A facet named customer_name.

Search Logics > Facets

A hit meta named customer_name. At search time, this meta is automatically renamed to name so the class name (customer) does not appear in the hit content.

Search Logics > Hit Content