Controlling the Overall Data Model Expansion
- In the Administration Console, go to Index > Data Model.
Expand Default expansion control.
Table 1. Default Expansion Control Options Option
Generate analysis config
Creates the required mappings and document processors for each property.
Only clear this option to take complete control over analysis expansion.
Generate index schema
Creates the required dedicated index fields for each property set as Dedicated field.
Only clear this option to take complete control over index schema expansion.
Generate facet
Creates a category facet in the search logics for each property set as Category facet.
Only clear this option to take complete control over facet config expansion.
Generate hit meta
Creates the required hit metas in the search logics for each property set as retrievable.
Only clear this option to take complete control over meta expansion.
Generate prefix
Creates the required prefix handlers in the search logics for each property set as searchable with prefix.
Only clear this option to take complete control over query prefix handler expansion.
Analysis pipelines
Specifies the analysis pipelines (as a comma-separated list) for which mappings and documents processors are generated. If empty, they are generated for all pipelines.
Search logics
Specifies the search logics (as a comma-separated list) for which prefix handlers, facets, and hit metas are generated. If empty, they are generated for all search logics.