Configuring the Analysis Pipeline Manually

This section outlines the high-level procedure to configure an analysis pipeline with both document and semantic processors, and to display the output in the search logic.

To map data to index fields and categories, you must define:

  1. The document processors to generate output contexts, or metas, based on the name specified in the Output to box.
  2. The semantic processors to generate annotations.
  3. Map all contexts and annotations to index fields or categories.

    Before performing the mapping, you must create the target index fields under Index > Data Model > Advanced Schema.

    You can then configure in Index > Data Processing > Mappings, a list of:

    • metas and parts mapping document contexts to index fields
    • annotations mapping document annotations to index fields
Important: All changes made to the analysis pipeline require clearing the index and reindexing data to avoid inconsistencies.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
Appendix - Configure Document Processors
Appendix - Configure Semantic Processors
The Analysis Pipeline Sequence of Processors
About Data Processing
More About Semantic Analysis