Installing Exalead CloudView on Windows

This section explains how to quickly install and run the product on a Windows OS.

For a complete installation guide, covering system requirements, detailed installation steps on Windows and UNIX systems and deployment scenarios, see the Exalead CloudView Administration Guide.

This task shows you how to:

Install Exalead CloudView

Before you begin:

To install Exalead CloudView you need the following files:

  • The Exalead CloudView installation kit – download it or copy it from the DVD.

  • A valid license file (cvlicense.dat for a standalone installation or a .lic file). To request a license, go to

  • Any additional Exalead CloudView plug-ins (optional).

To do this task

You need these permissions

Start the Windows command line (cmd.exe)


Install Exalead CloudView

Administrator, plus:

  • Write permissions for the installation directory, OR
  • Create permissions on the installation directory if it does not already exist

Import files during setup

Read permission for the files to be imported.

  1. Extract the Exalead CloudView archive to the target directory. This will create your <INSTALLDIR> folder, which will have the same name as the zip file.
  2. Start the Window Command line (cmd) as administrator.
  3. Run the installation script in <INSTALLDIR> with the following arguments: install.bat -data <DATADIR> -license <LICENSE> -port <BASEPORT> [-service]





    Creates the specified directory during installation, to store the index and configuration data for your Exalead CloudView instance. Specify a new directory for <DATADIR> and the installer will create it. For ease of maintenance, keep th <DATADIR>path separate from the <INSTALLDIR> path.


    The path to the license file (cvlicense.dat)

    When using Exalead CloudView within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you must also upload a dedicated .lic file to the Dassault Systèmes License Server (DSLS) to manage user and token count.


    Specifies the starting port for port allocation. Exalead CloudView needs a range of 100 consecutive TCP ports starting from <BASEPORT>. For example, the Mashup UI is installed by default on port 10000 (known as the BASEPORT) and is accessible at: http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT>


    Runs Exalead CloudView as a Windows service. For this option, use the default values for the local system account OR specify the account name and password as arguments:

    -service [-user <USERNAME> [-password <USERPASSWORD>]]

  4. At the command prompt, enter compmgmt.msc and press Enter.
    The Computer Management dialog box is displayed.
  5. Under Services and Applications > Services, search for Exalead CloudView - cvdefault (default Exalead CloudView instance name).
  6. Right-click and select Start.
  7. Go to Configure Exalead CloudView Using the Setup Wizard to complete the Exalead CloudView setup.

Check the Installation Logs If Errors Occur

If you encounter errors during the installation process, see the logs located in <DATADIR>/run.

Configure Exalead CloudView Using the Setup Wizard

Complete the Exalead CloudView installation by performing some additional setup using the setup wizard.

  1. Go to http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+1>/setup. The Welcome screen displays.

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next. The Processing screen displays.

  3. Clear the Define metadata mappings for standard enterprise option to install Exalead CloudView with an empty document class.
  4. Select Install package dependencies.
  5. You will be taken to a separate screen to log in. Enter the Administrator user name and password, and then click Next.
  6. As you have selected Install package dependencies, you will see a list of all depen­dency packages to be installed. Click Next.

  7. On the Administrator screen, set up the options for:
    • Account settings: specify the login and password to use when accessing Exalead CloudView.
    • Alerting (optional) for critical Exalead CloudView events and license issues: specify the recipient email account settings.
    • Reporting (optional) on usage data and diagnostics: specify the proxy host and port.
    • Click Next when complete.

  8. On the Setup and restart screen, click Setup.

    This runs the setup process and then restarts Exalead CloudView automatically.

    When you see the following screen, the setup is complete.

    Exalead CloudView Services page

Access the Configuration Interfaces

Once the installation is complete, you can access the product interfaces and documentation through the Exalead CloudView Services available at BASEPORT+1, for example, http://localhost:10001.

The following interfaces are available:


Available at

Administration Console


Mashup Builder


Business Console


Monitoring Console


API Console


For more details, see Exalead CloudView Software Interfaces.

  1. From the Exalead CloudView Services page, select one of the configuration interfaces, for example, the Administration Console.

    Note: You can also access it from: http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+1>/admin.

  2. Log in with the user name and password you specified in the Setup Wizard.

You now see the Administration Console Home page:

You can use the Administration Console for most configuration. However, the Exalead CloudView configuration is XML-based so, you can also edit the configuration manually or through the APIs. All changes made in the UI or the APIs will be reflected in the XML files.