Add a New Build Group

When you add a new build group, you can add it to an existing host, or create a new slave host for the build group. This new build group can use the same data model and indexing server configuration as the original build group (bg0), or you can create new ones for it.

See Also
Deployment Concepts
High Availability with a Small Index
Full High Availability with a Large Index
Add Hosts
  1. Optional: To deploy the new build group on its own host, add a new slave host.

    Important: For more information, see Add a New Secondary Server. However, for step 4, do not add an Indexing server role when adding this new host. When you create a new build group (in the steps that follow), this role is added to the target host automatically.

  2. In the Administration Console, select Deployment > Build groups.
  3. Click Add build group and specify the required information:
    1. Enter the Name, for example, bg1.

      Note: You cannot change the build group name once created.

    2. For Deploy on this host, select the target host.
    3. For PAPI server port, specify an available port.
  4. Optional: Select different configurations for the following:
    1. Data model: the classes and properties this build group must use to generate the index.
    2. Indexing config: the index compaction policy and trigger conditions.
  5. Optional: Modify these indexing options:
    1. To deploy the index for this build group on a different host, clear Deploy index replica on same host.
    2. Change No. of slices.
  6. Click Accept.

    This creates the new build group, and also adds the Indexing server role and an Index role (unless you cleared this option) to the target host.

  7. For Document cache, you can disable the cache for the build group.
  8. Click Apply.