Upgrading from Versions Older Than R2016x

A new index structure called Item Store is available since Exalead CloudView R2016x. It provides better performance at indexing time as the index is now fully generational.

See Also
Before You Start Upgrading Exalead CloudView
Perform a Product Upgrade
Troubleshooting Upgrade

Context: For versions older than R2016x, once you have upgraded the product, perform the following steps to migrate the index structure.

  1. In <DATADIR>/config, edit the IndexSchemaList.xml and IndexRuntimes.xml files.
  2. Search and replace:
    • SimpleRowOrientedStore with ItemOrientedStore for AttributeGroupStore id="1" (not id="2")
    • RAMRow with mmap
  3. Save and apply.
  4. Clear build groups.
  5. Reindex.