Duplicating your Network

You can copy your network and move it to another position using the geometrical context of your product.

Note: The duplicated network can only be translated, and not rotated.

  1. From the Branch section of the action bar, click Network Duplication Assistant .
  2. In the work area, select one of the following:
    • A product. The branches from every electrical branch geometry within the product are selected.
    • An electrical branch geometry. All the branches within the electrical branch geometry are selected.
    • A branch.

    Note: You can multiselect elements or select several elements one by one.

    The Robot is snapped to the network. In the 3D area, your selection is highlighted and an icon is displayed on impacted route elements: .

    Tip: To snap the Robot to another position, click a branch section, a route point, or a branch point.

    In the Network Duplication Assistant panel, your selection is listed in a table. The electrical branch geometry in which your selection will be copied appears under the Target column.

  3. Optional: Modify your selection:
    • To add elements, select a product, an electrical branch geometry, or a branch.
    • To remove elements, click Remove .
    • To modify the electrical branch geometry set as target, click Edit Target , and then select another electrical branch geometry in the work area.
      Tip: To restore the default target, click Reset Target .
  4. Optional: Modify the orientation of the Robot.

    See About the Robot Orientation.

  5. Position the selected network using a geometrical element:
    1. Select the preferred direction of the Robot.
    2. In the 3D area, select a geometrical element.
      A preview displays the intersection between the selected network and the element:

    3. Click the geometrical element to place the network at the intersection point, and then use the offset editor to adjust precisely the position of the network.

    For more information about working with context, see About the Context-based Routing Assistant.

    Tip: You can also move the Robot along one of its axis to reposition the network.

  6. Click Duplicate and close the panel.
    The selected branches are duplicated. In the tree, duplicated branches appear under the electrical branch geometry set as target.

When you duplicate a network, the copy behavior is the following:

Route elements
  • Route points are created in the duplicated network at the same position as the route points belonging to the source network.
  • Route elements (devices, supports, retainers) are removed from the route and new route points replace removed route elements to keep the same shape as the source network.
Standard and fixed branch points
  • Standard and fixed branch points are copied at the same location in the duplicated network as in the source network.
  • The link between branches connected at a standard or fixed branch point is kept only if the branches are duplicated simultaneously. If the branches are copied one after another, the connection is broken.
Associative branch points
  • Associative branch points within the source network are copied as standard branch points in the duplicated network.
  • The link between branches connected at an associative branch point is kept only if the branches are duplicated simultaneously. If the branches are copied one after another, the connection is broken.
Proxy branch points
  • A proxy branch point is copied only if the secondary branch connected to it is copied in the duplicated network.
  • The link between branches connected at a proxy branch point is kept only if the branches are duplicated simultaneously. If the branches are copied one after another, the connection is broken.
Profiles Profile properties of the source branches are copied to the duplicated branches.
Protections Protections on source branches are copied and placed over the duplicated branches.
Branch parameters The duplicated branches have the same parameters (local slack, tangency, build information) as the source branches.