About Conductor or Cable Routing Prioritization

For conductors or cables, routing can be prioritized through main and secondary segments definition.

This page discusses:

General Information

Routing with prioritization preference is taken into account in both auto route and complete route commands. However, there is no change in the behavior of the manual routing command. For more information, see Routing Conductors with the Conductor Routing Assistant or Managing Cable Routes.

Routing with prioritization works in sync with other routing rules like business rules, separation code compatibility, constraints, and alternate route. The resultant route path is the shortest path respecting all the applicable rules.

Note: Routing with prioritization, if active, is applicable even while finding an alternate route path after rejection using the Validate Segment Overloading for Input Conductor Considering Underlying Conductors business rule.

Defining Prioritization

The definition of main and secondary can be define through the Segment Separation Code resource from the Electrical Physical System Design resource set.

The format of the entries in a text document attach to the Segment Separation Code resource must be separation code: MAIN / SECONDARY.

Note that only the separation code entry appears in the properties of the branch or segment.

Note: The classification of electrical segments or branches as main or secondary is not saved in the data. It is computed every time the Data Setup resource is used. Modifications in the Electrical Physical System Design resource set or in the Segment Separation Code resource lead to a reclassification of an electrical network.

Activating Routing Prioritization

To activate the routing prioritization, you need to select the Prioritize Routing option in Me > Preferences > 3D Modeling > Electrical and Electronic Systems > Electrical 3D Design > Conductor.

You can also select the Prioritize routing via main segments option in the Conductor Routing Assistant panel and in the Routing Assistant panel.

Note: The user preference and Routing Assistant setting are stored separately.

Prioritization Rules

The following rules are applied for sub paths of conductor or cable route between end devices and active inclusions.

  • Secondary segment must not exist between the two main segments.

    : Main segment

    : Secondary segment

  • Secondary segments must not exist between two nodes of main segments.

  • Secondary segments must not exist between a main segment and a node of main segments.

You can override the three rules described above by declaring the invalid secondary path as inclusion on a conductor/ cable route.

: Inclusion

These rules can also be overridden when using the complete route command, if the secondary segment is pre-existing in the route.

Note: You can connect branches geometrically, through junction ports, junction link, or distant connection. Route prioritization is independent of the mode of connection between branches.