About Branch and Segment Properties

The Branch Properties panel allows to edit the properties of the branch and the properties of its segments. It is displayed whenever you create or edit a branch using Immersive Branch Definition.

This page discusses:

Branch Properties

Branch properties such as name, build mode, profile parameters, branch resource, slack, length and bend radius can be modified in the Branch tab.

General Parameters

General properties such as name, build mode and Quality Rules Reuse resource can be defined in the General Parameters box.

  • In the Branch Name box, enter a new branch name if needed.
  • In the Separation Code box, enter a value to define the same separation code for all the segments within the branch.
    • If a separation code is defined on the electrical branch geometry, the new branches you add inherit the same separation code. Its value is displayed in green in the Separation Code box. For more information, see Creating an Electrical Branch Geometry.

      The value inherited from the electrical branch geometry can be modified.

    • If the branch parameters are retrieved from the Branch Definition Table resource in which a separation code is already defined, this box is not editable.
  • In the Build Mode box, select a build mode (Slack, Length, bend, Straight Bend, Cornered Polyline) allowed for selected branch. For more information about Build Modes, see Inserting an Electrical Branch Geometry and First Branch in the Electrical 3D Design User's Guide.
  • The PRM Resource box is visible only when a branch resource is predefined in the Data Setup. The resource can be selected by clicking which opens a dialog box for Data Setup resource selection. Once the Data Setup resource is define and the provided criteria selected, the resource name is displayed in the PRM Resource box and these parameters are applied on the branch. Note that branch properties such as profile, profile dimensions and bend radius parameters are frozen.


Profile properties such as its type, its dimensions and its section area can be defined in the Profile box.

Profile Type Profile Dimensions According to Selected Type Section Area
Circle Diameter When the section area parameter is edited, the profile dimensions are computed automatically and the section of the branch is updated in the work area.
  • Major axis
  • Minor axis
  • Width
  • Height
Truncated Rectangle
  • Major Width
  • Major Height
  • Minor Width
  • Minor Height
  • Corner: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right.
  • It is impossible to create flat cables with a Truncated Rectangle profile.
  • When you create a branch with a Truncated Rectangle profile, the profile is oriented according to the orientation of the branch in the 3D area.
  • Profile parameters are segments properties only. Therefore, when you edit profile parameters in a branch tab, those parameters are automatically applied to all its segments.
  • A branch tab displays the dimensions parameters of a profile only when all the segments have the same profile parameters. In the case of a multiprofile branch, the profile dimensions are not displayed in the branch tab.


Geometry properties such as Slack, Length and Bend Radius can be defined in the Geometry box.

  • Slack: you can edit the combo box.
  • Length: you can edit the length value if the branch is in Length mode.
  • Bend Radius, Bend Radius Ratio, Computed Bend Radius: you can switch between these modes by clicking the graphical handle that allows toggling on and off the bend radius ratio, and edit the values.
  • Computed Bend Radius: The computed bend radius is displayed with the two different colors of font. If it is above the desired value of the bend radius, the text color is black otherwise it is red.

Segment Properties

Segment properties such as name, flexibility, color, profile parameters and segment extremity ratios can be modified in a dedicated tab for each segment of the branch being edited.

If the branch is being created, the tab dedicated to the segment properties is displayed only once the branch route is defined.

General Parameters

General properties such as name, flexibility and color can be defined in the General Parameters box.

  • In the Segment Name box, enter a new segment name if needed.
  • Flexibility: If the branch is built with the FLEX algorithm, the flexibility of each segment can be controlled from 1 (pure copper) to 5 (pure PVC) using this slider. The slider allows to modify the flexibility of a branch that is mainly made of PVC or copper.
  • Color: the color of segment can be changed by clicking the color box. A pop up color pallet appears in which you can select different colors. Click anywhere other than the color pallet to confirm the new color.


Profile properties such as its type, its dimensions and its section area can be defined in the Profile box.

  • Profile type: you can choose any profile by clicking the corresponding buttons: Circle, Ellipse or Rectangle.
  • Depending on the chosen profile types, the following combo boxes differ.
    • Diameter and Section Area for the circle.
    • Minor and Major dimensions for the ellipse.
    • Width or Height dimensions for the rectangle.

Profile Type Profile Dimensions According to Selected Type Section Area
Circle Diameter When the section area parameter is edited, the profile dimensions are computed automatically and the section of the segment is updated in the work area.
  • Major axis
  • Minor axis
  • Width
  • Height
Truncated Rectangle
  • Major Width
  • Major Height
  • Minor Width
  • Minor Height
  • Corner: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right.
Note: When you create a segment with a Truncated Rectangle profile, the profile is oriented according to the orientation of the branch in the 3D area.

Segment Extremities

Segment properties such as extremities can be defined in the Segment extremities box.

  • Start Point / End Point: Each segment extremity has a representation (branch point symbol) at each extremity in the work area. If you move the pointer over this symbol in the Start Point and End Point box, the name of the branch point is displayed in a tooltip at the junction of the branches in the work area.
  • Start point ratio / End point ratio: The ratio of branch point related to the segment extremity can be modified using the spin box. If it is not a branch point, then the spinner is unavailable.