Inserting an Electrical Physical System

You can instantiate an electrical physical system directly in the tree under the active product. An electrical physical system can be associated with one or more electrical geometries.

Important: This task describes how to manage electrical physical systems from the Conductor section of the action bar. The scenarios are identical from the Cable section.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

Insert an Electrical Physical System

  1. Activate it a product.
  2. From the Conductors section of the action bar, click Electrical Physical System .
    The Electrical Physical System dialog box appears.
  3. In the first tab, define the attributes of your object:

    • Title
    • Name
    • Description
    • Sub-type
    • Design Range
    • Collaborative Policy

  4. Click OK.
    • A new electrical physical system node appears in the tree.
    • The New Electrical Physical System dialog box appears.
  5. Optional: Change the name of the electrical physical system.
  6. Define a System Type for your electrical physical system:
    <Unset> Default value.

    The type of the first routable added in the electrical physical (Conductor or Electrical Cable) will define the system type.

    Conductor Only conductors can be added in the electrical physical system.

    The following commands are not available for conductors:

    • Validate\Invalidate\Revise
    • Network Impact Assistant

    For more information, see Inserting Conductors Manually.

    Electrical Cable Only cables can be added in the electrical physical system.

    The following commands are not available for cables:

    • Export Conductors
    • Export in iXF
    • Import Conductors
    • List Extra Conductors
    • Map Conductors
    • Harness Configuration

    For more information, see Creating a Cable.

    Important: You cannot modify the system type once routables are added in the electrical physical system.

  7. Optional: Connect the electrical physical system to one or several electrical geometries by selecting one or more electrical geometries nodes in the tree.
    The Connected To box is updated accordingly.
    Note: If you right-click the electrical physical system node and select Properties, the electrical geometries connected to your object are listed in the Electrical tab under the Associated Electrical Geometry section.
  8. Click OK.

Edit an Electrical Physical System

  1. In the tree, select the electrical physical system.
  2. From the Conductors section of the action bar, click Electrical Physical System .
    The Edit Electrical Physical System appears.

    You can either:

    • Remove the connection between the electrical physical system and an electrical geometry by clicking the node of the concerned electrical geometry in the tree.
    • Modify the connection between the electrical physical system and an electrical geometry by clicking the node of another electrical geometry in the tree.
    • Modify the system type.
      Important: You cannot edit the system type if routables are already added in the electrical physical system.