Closing Loops

When flattening a harness containing a closed loop, the loop is automatically opened at the free end of the selected segment and a green line created to serve as a reminder that a link exists between the two ends of the previously-joined branches. To prepare manufacturing, you must close the loop in the flattened view, using the Close Loop command in the Prepare Layout. Thus, the designer will have closed loops in his final layout.

You can close the loop manually with the rotate, roll, etc. commands but the close loop command allows you to do it in just one click and the action is more accurate.

Note: The Close Loop capability closes the loop geometrically by bringing one end of the loop onto the other end of the loop for a better layout preview. It does not close the loop electrically and no new content is created.
Tip: For information, you can check opened / closed loops in the extracted content before flattening with the Network Assistant.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Flatten the harness.
See Also
About the Flattening Results