Generating the Protective Covering Orientation in the Drawing

You can use the Protective Covering Orientation command during harness design to set the viewing direction for single or multiple protective coverings. Thus the flatten and drawing views display the labels of the protection orientation.

Before you begin:
  • Use the protective covering orientation command in the Electrical 3D Design app. For more information, see Protective Covering Orientation.
  • Set the generation option of the 3DOrientationAngle node to Yes in the generative view style (GVS).
See Also
Working with the Synchronization Report
  1. From the Formboard section of the action bar, click Synchronize .
  2. Click Execute.
    The Synchronization Report is displayed. The modification of viewing direction is indicated in the Orientation Angle column: the value is changed.
  3. Click Close.
  4. Click Update All .
  5. Open the drawing data window.
  6. In the Drafting app, from the View Layout section of the action bar, click Front View .
    Create the front view of the flatten data using the GVS predefined with the generation option of 3DOrientationAngle node set to Yes. See Drafting User's Guide: Electrical Manufacturing Preparation Parameters.
  7. Switch to the flatten data window to create a new drawing of the flatten data.
  8. Select a face to choose the orientation of the drawing.
    The Electrical Manufacturing Preparation app switches to the Drafting app. See Drafting User's Guide: Creating Views: Creating a Front View.
  9. In the drawing, click the background to generate the Front View.
    The drawing of the flatten data is created showing the orientation information for the protective covering in the shape of an arrow with the angle of orientation displayed at its extremity.

The flatten and drawing views display the labels of the protective covering orientation. When you install the harness, the protective covering sticker is placed properly as per the design harness.