Flattening Orientation

You can set the orientation of devices and supports during the flattening process.

Before you begin: Open a new product.
See Also
General Parameters
Scaling Options while Flattening
  1. From the Formboard section of the action bar, click Harness Flattening Parameters .
  2. In the Harness Flattening Parameters dialog box, click the Flattening Orientation tab.
  3. To choose the device orientation, select one of the following options:
    Torsion free harness The axis systems on junctions and devices are rotated to generate a flattened harness with no torsion.
    Device placed in the active plane The local z-axis of the device is perpendicular to the active plane specified in the General tab.

    When the Keep branch definition option is selected, the device or device assembly is flattened on the active plane and the "Cannot be flattened" status is applied to the branches connected to the assembly.

    As a consequence, the length, tangency, and connections of the branches are kept.

    Note: This behavior applies only for devices or device assemblies with connected branches that share the same junction.
    For more information, see Device Orientation.
  4. To choose the support orientation, select one of the following options:
    With no support orientation The supports maintain their 3D orientation.
    Support placed in the active plane The supports are orientated with respect to the active plane specified in the General tab.
    Support orientated according to a regular angle The default orientation behavior of the supports keeps the real position (angle between 0 deg and 360 deg).

    Supports are placed according to the closest regular angle they have in the 3D area. It enables you to prevent segments from twisting. There are four regular angles (0 deg, 90 deg, 180 deg and 270 deg):

    90 deg: If the real position is between 45 deg and 135 deg

    180 deg: If the real position is between 135 deg and 225 deg

    270 deg: If the real position is between 225 deg and 315 deg

  5. To specify the Reference geometry used during device orientation, do the following:

    Note: This parameter aims at orienting the device using tangency constraint between a branch and the connection point connected to it.

    1. For standard connection points, select the Constraint axis check box under Standard connection points type.

      By default, the check box is selected.

      During the flattening process, the device is rotated and the y-axis of the connection point axis system is perpendicular to the flattening plane along with tangency constraint.
      Important: If you clear the Constraint axis check box, the device is oriented according to the plane selected under Design plane.
    2. For advanced connection points, under Design Plane, select a plane:

      • XOY plane
      • YOZ plane
      • ZOX plane

      During the flattening process, the device is rotated and the connection point tangency is perpendicular to the selected plane.
      Important: If the selected plane breaks the tangency, it is not taken into account for the device orientation. No rotational orientation is applied.
  6. Click OK.

    Important: If the selected plane breaks the tangency, then it is not taken into account for the device orientation. No rotational orientation is applied.
    The local references of the supports and devices are used to orientate the components. Thus, the angle is calculated with the chosen axis of the part containing the support or device and the normal of the active plane.