Content Categories
Depending on your access role, you can create and manage the following types of
content with Engineering BOM Management.
Content Type |
Category |
- EC Part
- Equivalent Part
- CAD Model
- CAD Drawing
- Drawing Print
- Sketch
- Part Specification
Definition |
Evaluation |
The content you can access and the tasks you can perform depend on your access role.
For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE
Platform: Content Categories.
Access Roles
Engineering BOM Management uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
3DSpace baseline access roles that your Business Administrator assigns to you. The table below describes the level of access for design tasks.
Access Role |
Description |
Public Reader
May view content, regardless of lifecycle
state, that is in the same collaborative space to which the user
belongs. The user does not need to log into the collaborative
space or own the content to view it. |
Has all the access as a Public Reader. Can also:
- View content that belongs to an ancestor organization
unless the content is in the Released state.
- Can create drawing print markup, add files to the
markup, and delete files.
Has all the access as a Contributor. Can also view content that belongs to an ancestor
organization. Content can be in any lifecycle state. |
Has all the access as a Reader. Can also revise and promote content that they own or is
within their own collaborative space. Can promote objects up to
the Frozen (or Approved) state. Can modify, check in, delete, upload
objects in that are in the In Work or Preliminary states. |
Has all the access as an Author. Can also release objects and modify attribute
values. |
The table below describes the level of access for administrative tasks.
Access Role |
Description |
Performs all administrative tasks including:
- Configures Object
- Enables/disables features, including:
- Part Float
- 3DPlay
- Instance Mode
- Customizes Part subtypes
Restricted roles allow partners to have read-only access to content that their
company owns. A user who logs in with a restricted role can view only content that
is within the collaborative space and organization to which they logs in. The table
below describes the level of access for restricted roles for design tasks.
Access Role |
Description |
Reader (Restricted) |
Has read-only access to content that their
organization owns and is within the collaborative space and
organization to which the user logs in. A Contributor (Restricted) can create drawing print markup, add files to
the markup, and delete files. |
Contributor (Restricted) |
Author (Restricted) |
Leader (Restricted) |
The Owner (Restricted) access role can perform the same actions as an Owner for content owned by their organization.
On premises only: if your
company chose to use app-specific responsibilities instead of the baseline
responsibilities, the following table shows how the responsibilities map to each
other for design tasks.
Baseline Access Role |
App-specific Access Role |
Description |
Global User |
- Accesses design definition and evaluation data.
- Has the same access to EBOM markup, item markup, and
drawing print markup as the markup owner.
Component Engineer
- Maintains Manufacturer Equivalent
- Fully defines manufacturer equivalent parts
- Edits manufacturer equivalent part details
- Adds attachments
- Promotes manufacturer equivalent parts to Release state
Design Engineer
Defines the technical solution and can search,
modify, delete, version, and promote collaborative space data.
The Design Engineer role is defined within the organization with design
- Can create change orders (COs)
- Has read and modify access to BOM in Engineering view
- Works on parts and drawing prints
- Performs whatever CAD and Bill of Material work is
required for attached parts and drawing prints
- Cannot promote parts from Frozen to Released
Design Engineer, Senior Design
Senior Design Engineer and Design Engineer roles manage design resources. The Senior Design Engineer role is defined within the organization with design
- Can create COs
- Has read and modify access to BOM in Engineering
view and Common view
- Has only read access to BOM in Plant-Specific view
- Completes the change request (CR)
- Creates CO objects and attaches the CR to CO
- Assigns Drafters and Design Engineers to work on
parts and drawing prints
- Promotes the drawing prints, parts, and CO to the
Frozen state
- Reviews the CRs that are attached to the CO and
determines which parts and which drawing prints need
to be attached to the CO
- Creates/revises and attaches objects to the CO
- Updates the requested changes required for each
proposed item
- Promotes a CO to the In Work state
- Cancel a CO
- Compare parts with the Compare widget
- Customize views
- Edit Where Used reports
- Find ECRs Related to an ECO
- Find where a part is used
- Merge and move proposed changes items
- Update part revisions in a list or BOM
- Promotes objects to Obsolete
- Demotes objects from Obsolete state back to the
Release state
- Manages part families, including creating, modifying,
and deleting
- Creates CRs, product lines, and sketches
- Edits details of CRs, COs, product lines, and
The access roles provide hierarchical access. For example, a Senior Design Engineer
includes all access that a Design Engineer has (who has all access that a Global
User has), plus additional, specific accesses. For the baseline access roles, Leader
includes all access that an Author has (who has all access that a Reader has) plus
additional specific accesses. In the above table, an access role has all the
accesses of the roles that appear above it.
Your business administrator can configure rules that change the default access behavior.
On premises only: Your business administrator can change the default responsibilities that
control your access to commands, content, and collaborative spaces. Companies can also
implement additional customized responsibilities.
This guide describes the default behavior when describing access to content
or commands.
Your access to content or commands is determined by more
than your responsibility. The current collaborative space, your organization, the
current lifecycle state of the content, the app
you are using, and other customizations all affect whether you can access content or
commands. You might have access to some content or commands only under certain
For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE
Platform: Responsibilities.
Content Lifecycle
For information about the lifecycles for content managed by Engineering BOM Management, see Content Lifecycles.