Type (required)
and select Part Specification as the type.
Name and
AutoName Series (required)
Either enter the part specification
name or allow the system to generate it. Enter a unique name in the
Name field. Otherwise, click
AutoName and select an option from
AutoName Series list.
Enter a title for the part
Policy (required)
To use a policy other than the default,
click the arrow to select a different policy from the list. This is displayed
only if more than one policy is available.
Related Part
If you are adding the specification to
the database to use later, click
to select the part to connect to the
specification. Only parts that are in the
In Work
state are available. See
Predefined Queries
for details.
If you are creating a specification from the part's
specification tab, this field contains the part name and is read-only.
Type details that describe the