Opening a Sketch

You can view these categories of information for sketches.

Most users can view the categories of information for sketches listed below. These are the exceptions:

  • Anyone who is outside the company cannot access sketches (even within the same host company).
  • Users assigned either the Owner role or Public Reader role (any app-specific role) who are outside the organization in which the sketch belongs.
  • Users assigned the Contributors who are outside the organization in which the sketch belongs while the sketch is in the Released state.

  1. Either search for an existing sketch or create a sketch.
  2. To open a sketch after you search, click the name of the sketch in the search results.

    Category Name Page Tab Description For more information
    History - Shows a log of all the actions that have occurred for the object Viewing History for Content
    Files - Shows files checked in to the object File List for a Versioning Document
    Lifecycle - Indicates whether the sketch is In Work or Released. --
    File Versions - Shows file versions checked in to the object File Versions Page
    Route - Shows routes involving the sketch and provides access to create a route Routes Page and Routes Summary Page