Combined with the collaborative space and organization, the role determines what content
a user can access. See About Credentials for more information. For more information about
app-specific accesses, see the User Guide for the apps.
Accessing content means the ability to search for, explore, view and open the content.
The role also defines the type of content a user can create or delete. Role accesses
build hierarchically. For example, the Reader role can view content, but cannot create or evaluate content. The next role, Contributor, contains the Reader access plus the ability to evaluate content. The next role, Author includes all the access of the Reader and Contributor roles, plus the ability to create content. Accesses accumulate in this way for the
Leader, Owner, and Administrator roles, except that the Owner and Administrator cannot create content.
This table describes the access rights for regular tasks.
Access Role for Regular Tasks (Internal Name)
Description |
(VPLMViewer )
- Read any content of collaborative spaces and organizations
the user is assigned to.
- Create Personal Management content (such as Favorites,
Personal Folders, and so on). This kind of content is only
accessible by the content owner.
(VPLMExperimenter )
- Inherits all Reader access rights.
- Create Evaluation content (such as Review, Simulation, and
so on).
(VPLMCreator )
- Inherits all Contributor access rights.
- Create Definition content (such as Requirements, Physical
Product, XCAD, EBOM Part, System, and so on).
(VPLMProjectLeader )
- Inherits all Author access rights.
- Create Design Resource content (such as Library, Project
Template, and so on).
Reader (Restricted) 3DSRestrictedReader
Used to restrict read access to content owned by
the collaborative space AND organization. Within these restrictions,
the user can perform the same actions as a regular Reader. |
Contributor (Restricted) 3DSRestrictedContributor
Used to restrict read access to content owned by
the collaborative space AND organization. Within these restrictions,
user can perform the same actions as a regular Contributor. |
Author (Restricted) 3DSRestrictedAuthor
Used to restrict read access to content owned by
the collaborative space AND organization. Within these restrictions,
user can perform the same actions as a regular Author. |
Leader (Restricted) 3DSRestrictedLeader
Used to restrict read access to content owned by
the collaborative space AND organization. Within these restrictions,
user can perform the same actions as a regular Leader. |
This table describes the access rights for administrative tasks. These roles cannot
create content as described in the above table (for regular tasks).
Access Role for Administrative Tasks (Internal
Description |
(VPLMProjectAdministrator )
- Read any content of the collaborative space including
personal content.
- Create Administrative Resource content in the assigned
collaborative space (such as Material Domain, Resource Set,
and so on). These resources are accessible to users with
read access to the collaborative space.
- Manage collaborative space resources such as persons,
standard content, and so on.
- Modify any property of content of the collaborative space
for repair or exception tasks. These tasks can only be
performed when the user with the Owner access role is actively logged into the collaborative
space (active credentials).
(VPLMAdmin )
- Includes all Owner access rights across all collaborative spaces.
- Create Administrative Resource content (such as Material
Domain, Resource Set, and so on). These resources are
accessible to all readers of a company.
- Manage company resources such as collaborative spaces,
organizations, and persons.
- Modify any property of content of the 3DEXPERIENCE
3DSpace service regardless of its company for repair or exception
tasks. These tasks can only be performed when the user with
the Administrator access role is actively logged in as administrator
(active credentials).
Owner (Restricted) 3DSRestrictedOwner
Used to restrict read access to content owned by
the collaborative space AND organization. Within these restrictions,
user can perform the same actions as a regular Owner. |
To allow restricted access to public content owned by a collaborative space AND
organization, the Administrator can assign the Public Reader (VPLMSecuredCrossAccess
) access role to a user. The user must have a
valid login.
The Public Reader access role only applies to collaborative space with visibility Public whereas Reader (Restricted) applies to any kind of collaborative space with visibility Private, Protected and
Public. Using the latter option simplifies administration.
The Administrator role allows that user to search for and browse public content owned by another
collaborative space AND organization. This optional capability allows an Administrator to explicitly control access (search/open) to public content owned by a specific
collaborative space and organization.
As installed, the restricted access roles are not enabled. To enable them for specific
collaboration spaces, see Managing Collaborative Space Settings.