You can update the Track under a selected operation so that the Track position matches the resource position during the simulation. Right-click the operation in the tree, and from the context menu,
click Update Track for resource position
This command is relevant when a Track moves a resource.
The computation of the new relative position is based on the resource position according to the product build up for the selected operation. At the end of the operation's simulation, the resource position must correspond to the resource position defined on the operation. If the Track simulation was not consistent with the resource position even before the resource position was changed, then the result of the update might not represent the change in the resource position. If the resource position is no longer applicable (removed) for the moved resource, then the relative position computation is based on the resource design position. At the end of the operation's simulation, the resource position must correspond to the design position. If a Track moves a resource component involving a posture and that resource component is impacted or not by the posture, there is no update.
In addition, you can use the Track Update Status B.I. Essentials to verify inconsistencies between the resource position and the Tracks under operations. From the Tools section of the action bar, click
B.I. Essentials
For more information, see Track Update Status. |