Managing Texts and Parameters for Messages

You can insert text (time and duration observations, constraints) to a message and link a parameter to this text.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

Insert Text to a Message

You can insert text to be displayed on a selected message in an active sequence diagram view. Once created, the text can be edited for modification.

  1. From the Sequence Diagram section of the action bar, click Insert Text with Leader .

    Note: For more information about the Insert Text with Leader command, see Creating a Text With a Leader.

  2. From an active sequence diagram view, select a message.
    Your pointer turns to a line.
  3. To place the text to be displayed in view, extend the line and click the active sequence diagram view.
  4. In the Text Editor dialog box, type your text.
    The text displays in the active sequence diagram view under the selected message. You can manage the position and size of the inserted text.
  5. To edit the text, double-click it and modify the existing text in the Text Editor dialog box.

Insert/Edit a Parameter to a Text

You can insert a parameter to a text displayed under a selected message in an active sequence diagram view.

The following parameters can be inserted:

  • Constraint
  • Observation
  • Block condition

Once a parameter is inserted, it can be edited for modifications.

Before you begin: Insert text to a selected message.
  1. From the active sequence diagram view, double-click a text.
    The Text Editor dialog box appears.
  2. Right-click the active sequence diagram view and select Insert Attribute Link .
  3. From the Insert Attribute Link dialog box, select the parameter to be linked to the selected message.
    The selected parameter is added to the text of the selected message.
    Note: If you update a parameter linked to a text, it will also be updated in the associated messages.
  4. To edit the text and modify the associated parameter, repeat Steps 1 to 3.

    Note: When exported in .XML format, the whole text is taken into account.