Creating Edge Fillets as Local Modifiers

You can create a fillet with a radius constant along the edge.

The Edge Fillet, local modifier feature alters the sharpness and shape of an edge, rounding part edges and providing smooth transitions between the faces and features. In other words, it creates curved face of a constant radius that is tangent to, and that joins, two surfaces.

See Also
Using the Display Only Parents Option to Retrieve a Creation Context
  1. From the Refine section of the action bar, click Edge Fillet, Local Modifier .

    The Edge Fillet.x dialog box appears.

    Important: Two edge fillet capabilities are available in Functional Plastic Parts:
    • Edge Fillet, Local Modifier lets you add fillets on features intrinsically. Because of its robustness it can be used more often. You can also add fillets as feature modifiers.
    • Part Design Edge Fillet lets you fillet functional solids. It is recommended to use it once the 3D shape is almost complete.
  2. Select the edge as shown as the edge for which you want to create a fillet.

    When selecting edges or faces, ensure that they are valid. For more information, see About Edge Fillets as Local Modifiers.

    The selected edge is now displayed in red . The name of the support element is displayed in the dialog box.

    You can select faces as well: all the edges bordering the selected face are then filleted.

    Tip: If you select several edges, the Object(s) to fillet box displays the number of selected edges. To act on this selection, click to display the list and manage the objects to fillet.
  3. Select aPropagation mode.
  4. In the Radius box, enter a value as the required value.
    The radius value is updated in the work area.
  5. Click OK.
    The fillet is created. EdgeFillet.x is added to the tree in the Solid Functional Set.xnode.