Tools for Checking Design Consistency
There are various ways of running consistency checks based on rules.
You can:
- Click Rules Immersive Report
. For more information, see Creating a Rules Immersive Report.
It is possible to automate the generation of the report while designing new fasteners or editing existing ones.
To specify when you want to run the checks, select either of the options in > Fastening > General. For more information, see Rule Check Integration in Fastening.
- Run the FastenerRulesCheck batch. For more information, see Checking the Design Consistency by Running a Batch in CATUTIL.
- Click
B.I. Essentials
and select Fasteners Design : Checks. For more information, see Checking the Rules Consistency.
When the checks are done, the diagnostics provided describe the possible problems encountered when applying the rules on the fasteners. You can then take appropriate actions to solve these issues, guarantee the consistency of fastener information and thus improve the quality of your design.