From the
section of the
action bar, click Tolerancing Advisor
The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box appears.
Select the median 3/4 circle arc, which, symbolizes the thread helical
The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box is updated
according to the selected element.
Click Thread Diameter
You can select several threaded holes with the same diameter and click
Pattern Diameter
to generate the pattern thread dimensions. Note:
In the Semantic
Tolerancing Advisor dialog box, select N separate
threads/taps (Nx) to apply the annotation to threaded holes
using Pattern Diameter
. The annotation can further be separated. For more information, see Applying Annotation to Several Geometrical Elements.
The thread diameter dimension is previewed and the Limit of
Size Definition dialog box appears, offering the following
Pitch: lets you display the pitch value in the
thread dimension.
Tolerance class: lets you define and display the
tolerance class value in the thread dimension.
Select both the Pitch and the Tolerance
class check boxes and in the Tolerance
class list, select 6g as the tolerance
class value.
The pitch value is defined according to the selected standard when you
created the thread.
Click OK and then anywhere outside the geometry.
The thread diameter dimension is created.

The M symbol is displayed instead of the diameter
symbol according to the selected standard when you created the thread. If no
standard is defined, the diameter symbol is displayed.
Select the several 3/4 circle arcs that symbolize the thread starting and
ending planes.
To measure the thread depth or length, click
Thread Length.
You can select several threaded holes with the same length and click
Thread Length- Pattern
Once again, the Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box is
updated according to the selected elements.
Click Distance Creation
The thread length dimension is previewed and the Limit of Size
Definition dialog box appears with the following options:
- General
Tolerance: lets you define a predefined class of
tolerance, see Tolerances for the default class
- Numerical
values: lets you define the Upper Limit and optionally
the Lower Limit (provided you clear the Symmetric Lower Limit
check box).
- Tabulated
values: lets you define fitting tolerances. Refer to
Standards Normative References for more
information: ISO 286, ANSI B4.2.
- Single limit:
lets you enter a minimum or maximum tolerance value. Use the Delta /
nominal box to enter a value in relation to the nominal diameter value.
For example, if the nominal diameter value is 10 and if you enter 1,
then the tolerance value will be 11.
- Information/Reference:
lets you specify the dimension as information (ISO-based standards)/
reference (ASME-based standards). The information/reference dimension is
displayed enclosed by parentheses in the geometry window.
Select the Tabulated values option.
Click OK and then anywhere outside the geometry.
Click Close in the Semantic Tolerancing
Advisor dialog box.
The thread dimensions and tolerances are displayed in the geometry as
well as in the tree.