Tolerancing User Features

You can create the tolerances automatically for user features using the Tolerancing Advisor.

Before you begin:
  • Open an existing 3D representation.
  • Define the tolerancing schema.
  • Enter the tolerancing schema library or catalog name in Me > Preferences> Mechanical > 3D Tolerancing & Annotation, Tolerancing tab, Library of Tolerancing Schemas for User Features.
See Also
Working with a Tolerancing Schema
  1. From the Annotation section of the action bar, click Tolerancing Advisor .
    The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box appears.
  2. Select the user feature in 3D area or in the tree.

    • You can select a single face or edge of the user feature or technological result of user feature.
    • Multiple selection of edges, vertices or surfaces of the user feature or technological result of user feature is not supported.

    The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box is updated according to the selected surface. The User Feature Tolerance command is available only if you have defined a tolerancing schema feature for the corresponding user feature type in the referenced library or catalog.

  3. Click User Feature Tolerance.
    The User Feature Tolerances dialog box appears and the user feature is displayed in the 3D viewer.

  4. Select required options and click OK in the dialog box.

    Note: For more information about User Feature Tolerances dialog box, see About the Tolerancing Schema.

    The tolerances are created for the selected user feature.

  5. Click Close in the Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box.