Reference Documents

The Reference Documents page for a manufacturing plan lists documents that provide additional details relevant to the plan.

To access this page:

  1. Open the required manufacturing plan. See Manufacturing Plans Page.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Reference Documents.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column NameDescription
NameThe document name. Click to open the document and the list of files checked into it. See File List for a Non-versioning Document.
Number of files locked/number of files checked into this document. For example, 2/4 indicates 2 files of the 4 files checked into this object are locked.
If shows in the row, the document is included in an active route. See Routes.
TitleThe title of the content item.
RevThe revision ID. See Document Revisions Page.
VerThe version ID for a file, or an icon indicating multiple files. See File Versions Page.
TypeThe content type.
ActionsThe actions you can perform.

Icon Name Action

Subscribe View and select subscriptions for a document. See Subscription Management.

Download Download the files in the document to your local computer. Browse to the directory or folder you want to contain the file.

When the document contains multiple files they are downloaded in a single zip file.

Check Out and Lock Check out the files in the document to your local computer and lock the files from other users who cannot unlock it. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.

When the document contains multiple files they are downloaded in a single zip file.

Update Files Update a checked-out file to its next version. See Uploading Files.

Check In Check in a new file. See Uploading Files.

Lock Lock the file without checking it out.

Unlock Unlock the file without checking in a new version.

DescriptionA description of the content.
StateThe current state of the content

Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Create New > Create Document Creates a document.Creating Documents
Add Existing Adds an existing file to the file list for the document. Predefined Queries
Download Copies selected documents to your local computer without locking them on the server. If a document contains multiple files, they are downloaded in a single zip file.Document Properties and Files Page
Checkout Copies selected files to your local computer and locks them on the server. If a document contains multiple files, they are downloaded in a single zip file.Document Properties and Files Page
Remove Removes selected documents. Click OK to confirm.

For documents connected to objects in a DesignSync server, removing or deleting a file or folder only removes/deletes it in the 3DEXPERIENCE platformdatabase; it does not remove or delete the file or folder from the DesignSync server.

Delete Deletes selected documents. Click OK to confirm.-