Editing the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown

Use the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown to edit low-level manufacturing plans defined for each model version in the high-level manufacturing plan for a model version. The manufacturing plan for a model version is composed of the individual manufacturing plans selected for each of its model version revisions and derivations.

Before you begin: Access the list of manufacturing plans for a model version. See Manufacturing Plans Page.
  1. Select a manufacturing plan.
  2. From the page toolbar or Actions menu, click Edit Manufacturing Plan Breakdown .

    The app verifies that the manufacturing plan represents the model'slogical structure. If the plan does not represent the logical structure, a warning message is displayed. For example, if a manufacturing plan includes a low-level manufacturing plan for a sub-model version that is no longer included in the model version's logical structure, a warning message will be displayed. Click OK to remove the conflicted low-level plan or Cancel. Conflicts can be viewed in more detail from the Manufacturing Plan Matrix page. See Manufacturing Plan Matrix.

    Column Name Description
    Name The name of the model version revision or derivation. The first row shows the current model version, and the next level of rows shows that model version's logical structure.
    Master Composition The model associated with the model version.
    Feature Usage The sub-model version's usage in the model version.

    Possible Values Description
    Standard The model version revision is included in the model version by default but can be removed.
    Optional The model version revision is available for selection in the model version.

    Type The object type.
    Manufacturing Plan: Name Name of the low-level manufacturing plan selected for the model version revision in the high-level manufacturing plan for the model version.
    Manufacturing Plan: State The current state of the manufacturing plan in its lifecycle.
    Planned For The model version for which the manufacturing plan is planned.
    Check Whether the manufacturing plan breakdown is compliant with the design information: means compliant; means non-compliant.

    To determine whether or not a manufacturing plan breakdown is compliant, these checks are performed:

    Intent Check Result Icon
    Regular For each subassembly revision (for example, Model Version "Cockpit A," Model Version "Fuselage A," and Model Version "Tail A"), does the manufacturing plan in the breakdown belong to the subassembly revision (that is, does manufacturing plan "Cockpit-MP1" belong to Model Version "Cockpit A")? Yes
    Retrofit For each subassembly revision, does the manufacturing plan in the breakdown belong to the subassembly current revision (that is, does manufacturing plan "Cockpit-MP2" belong to Model Version "Cockpit A")? Yes
    If No for above, does it belong to a subassembly previous revision? If so, the manufacturing plan is compliant but there is still a retrofit left to do.
    If both prior conditions are false. No

    Preferred Shows Yes or No to indicate if this is the preferred plan when more than one manufacturing plan is defined for a model version. The first sub assembly manufacturing plan added to the breakdown is set to preferred. Any subsequently added plans are set to non-preferred.

  3. To insert a manufacturing plan:
    1. Select a model version and click Insert Manufacturing Plan . The app opens a search page.

      The value of the manufacturing plan intent field for the manufacturing plan associated with the selected model version determines which manufacturing plans can be inserted:

      • Regular: only manufacturing plans associated with the selected subassembly
      • Retrofit: manufacturing plans associated with the selected subassembly and all previous revisions
    2. Select one or more manufacturing plans in the search page and click Submit. Selecting multiple plans defines a choice between interchangeable ways to produce the element.
      The selected manufacturing plans are inserted for the model version and highlighted in green. If a manufacturing plan is inserted for a different revision of the model version than the one committed in the high-level manufacturing plan, the manufacturing plan is inserted for the model version and highlighted in green and the manufacturing plan for the other revision is highlighted in red with strikethrough.
    3. Click Save.
  4. To remove a manufacturing plan:
    1. Select the required manufacturing plans.
    2. Click Remove Manufacturing Plan .
      The selected manufacturing plans are highlighted in red with a line through them.
    3. Click Save.
  5. To modify the manufacturing plan resolution:
    1. Click Modify Implementation .
      The resolution dialog box opens listing all model versions. Implemented subassembly revisions are selected by default.
    2. Choose a different model version as needed.
    3. Click Done.

    You can modify the manufacturing plan resolution prior to its release.

  6. Click Close.