Logical Feature Properties Page

The Properties page for a logical feature shows details about the logical feature.

To access this page:

  1. Open the required logical feature. See Opening a Logical Feature.
  2. Click the name of the logical feature.

You can also view this page by clicking on a hyperlinked logical feature name from anywhere in Variant Management .

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Logical Feature


The navigation pane toggles between showing the logical features structure in a tree format (click ) and the categories for the logical feature (click ).

Section Field Name Description
Basics Display Name The display name of the logical feature.
Name The name of the logical feature.
Revision The revision of the logical feature.
TypeLogical feature.
OwnerThe owner of the logical feature.
Policy The policy governing the lifecycle of the object: logical feature.
Status State The current state of the logical feature in its lifecycle.
Higher Revision Indicates whether there is a higher revision of the logical feature:
  • Yes
  • No
Active Change ExistsIndicates whether there is an associated Change Action that is active, meaning that it is not in the On Hold, Cancelled, or Complete states:
  • Yes
  • No
Additional Information Design Responsibility The responsible design organization (RDO) for the logical feature.
Display Text The display text associated with the logical feature, if any exists.
Originator The user who created the logical feature.
OriginatedThe date the logical feature was created.
Part FamilyThe part family to which the logical feature belongs, if one exists.
Selection TypeNumber of selections permitted for the configuration criteria:
  • Single
  • Multiple
Leaf LevelIndicates if this logical feature is a leaf-level item (used for generating a BOM):
  • Yes
  • No
When set to Yes, the logical feature resolves to a single part and cannot have child features.

If this logical feature has child features, then this field does not show.

DescriptionDescription of the logical feature, if one exists.
ModifiedThe date the logical feature was last modified.

Only shows if you also use IP Classification.

Classification Path Shows the class hierarchy for the logical feature.
Additional AttributesAny attributes inherited from the above class hierarchy.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Toolbar ItemDescriptionFor More Information
Edit Details Edits details of the logical featureEditing Logical Feature Properties
Subscribe Subscribes to selected events related to the logical feature.Subscription Management