Options Page

The Options page lists all the options for that specific option group.

To access this page:

  1. Open the option group. See Opening an Option Group.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Options.

Note: To work with the option groups and options for a model version or product line, see Variants and Options Page. To work with the option groups and options for a model, see Variants Page for a Model. To work with the option groups and options for a logical feature, see Design Variants Category for a Logical Feature.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Display Name The display name of the option group or its options. Expand the option group to show the options associated with it. Click the name to open the option group's or option's Properties page.
Name The name of the option group or option.
Type The object type: Option Group or Option
State The lifecycle state of the option group or option.
Display Text Any additional text describing the option group or option.
Seq No The sequence number of the option (default = 1). This value automatically increments in units of 100, by default.
On premises only: Your Business Administrator can configure the increment value to account for resequencing. If the option is removed from the context, the sequence number is not recalculated.
Default Selection Indicates whether the option has a default selection:
  • Yes
  • No
(Open in new window) Click to open the Properties page in a new window.
List Price The list price of the option group or option. If you update the list price of an option, you must manually update the total price of any product configuration that uses the option group.
Owner The owner of the option group or option.
Design Responsibility The organization responsible for the option group or option.

Actions Menu

Action Description For More Information
Create Option Creates a new option for the option group.

Required access role: Leader

Creating an Option
Copy > Copy From Copies options and selected related data from another option group to the current option group.
Note: You cannot share options between option groups.

Required access role: Leader

Copying a Variant or Option Group from Another Object
Copy > Copy To Copies options and selected related data from the current option group to another option group.
Note: You cannot share options between option groups.

Required access role: Leader

Copying a Variant or Option Group to Another Object
Delete Deletes the selected option group or option. Click OK to confirm.

Required access role: Leader

Structure Compare Allows you to compare the structure of two different option groups. Opens a Structure Compare window where you can choose the second option group and select criteria by which to compare the two.

Required access role: Reader

Running the Structure Compare Report