About the System Architecture Tree

The architecture tree displays the functional, logical, or physical system, with an expandable structure that is quite similar as in its authoring tool.

This page discusses:

Architecture Tree Elements

The following elements are displayed in the architecture tree:

Functional, Logical, and Physical Reference

A functional, logical, or physical system architecture is the backbone of an analysis. Open at least one function, logical component, or product reference to start a safety analysis. The root architecture reference is displayed, along with its children instances. The fault tree elements point to different references in this architecture.

For more information, see Opening a System Architecture.

Fallible Reference

A fallible reference is a list of failure modes. It points to a functional, logical, or physical reference and contains failures modes. A fallible reference has its own revision, lifecycle, and ownership.

Note: A system engineer is the owner of the functional, logical, or physical system architecture; a safety analyst is the owner of the pointing fallible references.

For more information, see About Fault Trees.

Failure Mode

A failure mode is the core object of a safety model and represents a basic failure. Its rate is defined by a reliability formula. In the architecture tree, a failure mode is contained in a fallible reference (pointing to a function, logical component, or part). In the fault tree, an event points to a failure mode (the event models the failure that is propagated to the function, logical component, or part through the failure mode). A dependent system failure (DSF) is a type of failure mode. The failure mode revision, lifecycle, and ownership are inherited from the fallible reference that contains it.

For more information, see Creating a Failure Mode.

Reliability Formula

A reliability formula is a mathematical formula that describes a law of probability. This formula describes the probability of failure of a component over time. A reliability formula is stored in a reliability source and can be associated to a failure mode.

Note: Once associated with a failure mode, the formula is displayed in the architecture tree only, not in the fault tree.

The reliability formula is used to compute the probability of the top event or of the intermediate events.

For more information, see Managing Formulas and Reliability Sources.

Safety Objects Representation

For safety objects, the following icons are displayed in the architecture tree:

IconSafety Object

Fallible reference

Failure mode

Dependent system failure (DSF) in the current context

Dependent system failure (DSF) in another context

Reliability formula

Customized Display

Depending on the options you selected, additional information appears in the architecture tree:

  • Fallible reference
  • Functional, logical, or physical reference aggregating the instance
  • Maturity state
  • Revision name

For more information, see Customizing Preferences.