Analyze Section

The primary area of the Analyze section provides commands for analyzing fault tree models.

Clear Content
Clears the widget to begin with another model when you already loaded a system architecture in Fault Tree Analysis.

Cancels the last action.

Performs again the last action.

Create Assessment
Opens the Assessment Creation dialog box to configure its title, description, duration and the top events to be computed.
You must first select a root system architecture component.
See Creating an Assessment.

Open Assessment
Opens the search panel to select an existing assessment for the current selection.
Compute Current Assessment
See Flyout for Computing.

Computation Preferences
Defines the execution preferences, maximum time and other computation preferences.
See Defining Computation Preferences.

Mark Basic Event as True
In the fault tree, marks the basic events with a symbol and consider them as true.
The gates are analyzed, if they are considered as true, they are highlighted with a black background.

Cutset Analysis
Opens the Cutset Analysis widget to analyze the minimal combination of events leading to the failure condition (top event).
This command is available once a computation has been performed.
See Managing Cutsets.

Flyout for Computing

Compute Current Assessment

Computes the displayed assessment.

You must first create or open an assessment.
See Computing an Assessment.

Quick Compute

Computes the selected event.

This command enables the fast computation of a subpart of the fault tree, without storing the result.