Replicating Virtual Bolts

You can generate copies of an existing bolt at other holes in the model.

See Also
About Virtual Bolts
Defining Bolts
Feature Manager
  1. From the Model section of the assistant, click Connections.
  2. From the Connections dialog box, select Bolt Replication in the Tools list.
  3. Select the bolt to be cloned.
  4. Click Find Bolts to search the model for other paired holes of similar sizing.

    The search finds all hole pairs that connect the same parts and have the same diameter as the original bolt.

    The search results are shown in a list, and the holes are highlighted in the model.
  5. Optional: Use the context menu to revise the selections.
    Remove Selected Delete a clone from the list.
    Invert Selection When there are multiple selections available, switch the current selection with the unselected items.
    Reverse Direction Switch the bolt head and nut location (for through bolts only).
  6. Click OK or Apply.

    The new bolts are independent of the original bolt, and you can edit or delete them individually.