Exporting Data to a DXF/DWG File

You can export the data contained in a drawing representation into a disk-based DXF or DWG file.

  1. In the DXF 2D tab of the Preferences
    1. Select the default standard file, or customized ones. See About Standards.
    2. Select a version:

      • DXF files correspond to ASCII format.
      • DWG files correspond to binary format.
      • DXF/DWG formats version 12, 13, 14, Autocad2000, Autocad2004, Autocad2007, Autocad2010, Autocad2013, and Autocad2018 are supported.

    3. Select other required options. Their behavior is described in the next chapters.
  2. Go to the tab containing the data to export.

    Make sure that the data have been saved, and not modified since the last save.

    Note: If unsaved data exist, a message is displayed. Follow the instructions it provides.

  3. Select Share > Export.

    For more information, see Export.

  4. Go to the directory where you want to export the file.
    1. Select either DXF (*.dxf) or DWG (*.dwg) as the format.
    2. Key in the name of the file to create in the Filename field.
    3. Click OK.
    • A message is displayed when the export is completed. See About the Report File for more information.
    • The export unit depends on the current unit of the session:
      • If the current unit belongs to the metric system (millimeter, centimeter, meter, ...) the export unit is the millimeter.
      • If the current unit belongs to the Anglo-Saxon system (inch, foot, ...) the export unit is the inch.
    • Entities are exported as follows:
    ElementSub-typeGraphic exportSemantic export
    sheet One DXF file per sheet.

    The contents of each Sheet is transferred to the 'Model Space' of the AutoCAD model. The file, which is saved as DXF, does not include 'Paper Spaces'.

    views interactive view

    The structure is not exported.

    Note: Raster views are not supported.

    The structure is not exported.
    generative viewThe structure is not exported. All the geometric entities of the view are gathered into a single Insert/Block. The above applies to CGR, approximate, exact views.
    Note: Raster views are not supported.
    detail (Component)
    ditto (Instance)See Export blocks in About Dimension Conversion
    unit The export unit depends on the current unit of your session.
    show/noshow Only visible elements are exported.
    pick/no pick NoPick ignored.
    line type Automatic mapping:
    • Line types lower than or equal to 7 are converted to standard line types with their graphic representation.
    • Line type 8 is converted to a polyline keeping the graphic representation of the initial entity.
    • Line types greater than or equal to 9 are exported to DXF with a continuous graphic representation and a name containing the line type number such as CATIA9, CATIA10. Those names enable you to identify them in the DXF file.
    line thickness Automatic mapping.
    marker type Ignored.
    color Automatic color.
    construction elementNot exportedAutomatic mapping but construction element attributes not kept.
    text attributes font

    Exported implicitly through the graphic representation of text.

    Only the contour of the characters is exported.

    Default mapping with font isocp.shx (fixed). For Kanji or Unicode characters see About the Report File.
    bold, italicNot supported.
    underlinedText + line.
    space (x-scale)Space.
    frameText + geometry.
    layer Not supported.See Layers in About Dimension Conversion.
    dimension linear circular angularThe geometrical basic elements of each Drawing Representation are exported. See Semantic in About Dimension Conversion
    axis line
    center line
    welding symbol
    coordinate dimension
    datum target
    datum feature
    roughness symbol
    area fill hatching patternThe geometrical basic elements of each Drawing Representation are exported.The geometrical elements making the hatches are gathered into an INSERT/BLOCK.
    dotting pattern
    image patternThe image is not exported. The contour of the Area fill and a set of white/black SOLIDS are exported. The image is not exported, but can be mapped with a DXF pattern. The contour of the Area fill and a set of white/black SOLIDS are gathered into an INSERT/BLOCK.

    See About Standards for special pattern-mapping cases.

    coloring pattern The coloring pattern is exported as a set of SOLIDS. The coloring pattern is exported as a set of SOLIDS gathered into one INSERT/BLOCK.
    curve pointPOINT
    polyline2D POLYLINE
    splineIf the Export mode is specified to Graphic, or the Version is specified to DXF/DWG R12 or R13, they are exported as 2D POLYLINE. If the Export mode is specified to Semantic and the Version is specified to DXF/DWG R14 or above:
    • Splines or NURBS originated from Interactive Drafting and Splines originated from exact views of Generative Drafting are exported into DXF Splines (with consistent graphical attribute such as color, line thickness, line type, and show no show).
    • The Spline or NURBS inside a 2D Component are not managed (they are still exported as DXF polyline).
    Only the generative exact view can contain Spline or NURBS.
    hyperbola2D POLYLINE
    parabola2D POLYLINE
    constraints Not supported.
    OLE link Not supported.
    picture (bitmap)Not supported.
    drawing preview in .dwg file Not supported.