
The Create section provides options for creating markups and annotations.

Edit Mode
Switches to edition mode.
See Adding AEC Objects.

See Drawing a Polyline.

See Drawing an Area.

Create Point
Lets you draw points in your experience.
See Creating a Point.
Create Polyline
Lets you draw polylines in your experience.
See Drawing a Polyline.
Create Area
Lets you draw an area in your experience.
See Drawing an Area.
Create Annotation
Lets you add basic annotations to your experience.
See Creating an Annotation.
Create Group
Lets you add a group to your experience.
See Grouping Items Together.
Create Bookmark
Adds a bookmark to your map.
See Creating Bookmarks.
Create Viewpoint
Lets you store a new camera viewpoint in your experience.
See Creating Viewpoints.
Create Viewshed
Lets you create an area visible from a defined location.
See Creating Viewsheds.