Creating a Join and an Extruded Surface

You can create and manipulate geometry directly in the work area.

Before you begin: Open the sketch used in the task Creating and Manipulating Geometry.
See Also
About Working with Context Toolbars
Joining Curves or Surfaces
Creating Extruded Surfaces
  1. Select both end points of the sketch using Ctrl and click Create Line in the context toolbar.
    A line is created between the corner points.

  2. Select both the sketch and the line.
    In the context toolbar, the Join command is available.

  3. Click the Join command to join sketch and line.
  4. Create a surface in normal direction of the join.

  5. Select the join and click Robot in the context toolbar.
  6. Drag the handle toward the surface until the copilot appears.

    For more information about the copilot, see Copilot.

    An extruded surface with the surface as Limit 1 is created.

  7. Press Enter or click the background to validate the command.
  8. Select the surface by clicking it within the edge boundaries of the extruded surface and then add the extruded surface to the selection.
  9. Click the Trim command in the context toolbar.
    The surface is trimmed at the upper boundary of the extruded surface.

  10. Press Enter or click the background to validate the command.