Repeating Objects

You can create several instances of objects as you are currently creating one object.

This command is available for:

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing geometric elements.
  1. Select an object, as listed above.
  2. From the Transform section of the action bar, click Object Repetition .
  3. In the Instance(s) box, enter the number of instances of the object you want to create.
  4. Select the repetition mode.
    Absolute (default mode) The parameter of the repeated feature directly refers to the parameter of the parent feature.
    Relative The parameter of the first repeated feature refers to the parameter of the parent feature. Every next repeated feature will refer to the parameter of the previously created feature.

    Important: The repetition modes are unavailable if you selected a point on a curve in step 1. If you want to use a repetition mode for a point on a curve, you can use the Points & Planes Repetition command instead.

    A new parameter called Relative XXX is aggregated under the repeated features in the tree (except for the first repeated feature). Therefore, every created repeated feature is created with the spacing value of the previous feature plus the Relative XXX value.
    Tip: You can edit and modify the Relative XXX value. As a consequence, the repeated feature will move according to new value and further repeated features will be created or updated using this new value plus the Relative XXX value of the parent feature.
  5. Select Create in a new Body to put all the instances in a separate body.
    A new geometrical set or ordered geometrical set is created automatically, depending on the type of body the points or planes to be repeated belong to. In case an ordered geometrical set is created, it is considered as private: it means that you cannot perform any modification on its elements (deleting, adding, reordering, etc., is forbidden).
  6. Click OK.
    The object is created as many times as required in the Object Repetition dialog box.
    Note: See each specific object creation for further details on what parameter is taken into account for the repetition.
    • If a new ordered geometrical set (OGS) is created, the duplicate elements will be added under this new ordered geometrical set. This OGS will be positioned just after the element to be duplicated.
    • If a contextually created element is being duplicated, the duplicate elements will be added under the parent feature node of the contextually created element.
    • If any element to be duplicated resides inside a private ordered geometrical set, the duplicate elements are added just after the private ordered geometrical set.
    • If the element to be duplicated is one of the two or more elements selected for an earlier duplicated element, the new duplicate elements have to be added just after the older duplicate element.
    • In all the other cases the duplicate elements are added just after the element to be duplicated.
    • Selecting sub-elements of a feature (that is, edges or faces) or of an axis system (that is, xy plane) is not allowed.
    • You can activate both Repeat and Datum modes at the same time. The original feature (i.e. the feature created without the datum mode) is kept.