Report and Error Files
Report and error files give you information about the import or export, and help you solve problems. Always check the report and error files after a conversion: Some problems may have occurred without been visually highlighted.
At Import
Two files are generated at the end of import.
These files are created in a location referenced by the USERPROFILE variable on Windows. Its default value is Profiles\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Dassault Systemes\CATReport on Windows (user being you logon id).
Report File
Its name is name_of_file.rpt. It provides references about the quality of the transfer.
Input: \\MyFolder\MyFile.igs
Product identification from sender : CNEXT - IGES PRODUCT
File name : MyFile.igs
System I.D. : IBM CATIA IGES - CATIA Version 5 Release 14
Preprocessor version : CATIA Version 5 Release 14
Number of binary bits for integer representation : 32
Single precision magnitude : 75
Single precision significance : 6
Double precision magnitude : 75
Double precision significance : 15
Product identification for the receiver : Product1
Model space scale : 1
Unit flag : 2
Units : MM
Maximum number of line weight gradations : 1000
Width of maximum line weight in units : 0
Date & time of exchange file generation : 20040217.174814
Minimum user-intended resolution : 0.001
Approximate maximum coordinate value : 10000
Name of author : bmt
Author's organization : DS
Version number : 11
Drafting standard code : 0
Data & time model was created/modified : 20040217.174814
Mil-specification ( protocol W.E.I.Y.I. ) :
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DETAILED CONVERSION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#19 Surface.1 Type: 144 Transferred correctly
#37 Surface.2 Type: 144 Transferred correctly
#55 Surface.3 Type: 144 Transferred correctly
#263 Surface.4 Type: 144 Transferred correctly
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONVERSION SUMMARY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KO=Not transferred
OUT=Out of size
| Entity Type | OK | KO | NS | OUT | DEG | INV |
| 144 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| PRODUCT | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Result | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Transcription time in seconds: 1.233000
When invalidities are detected in the input geometry, all the invalid faces (and all the elements of their geometry) are put in a specific Geometrical Set named invalid Input Geometry. These faces are shown as invalid in the report file.
Error File
Its name is name_of_file.err. It list the errors that occurred during the transfer.
E:\tmp\SettingsCatia\Authoring\CATReport\MyFile.rpt Input: \\MyFolder\MyFile.igs ***** FILE IGES INFORMATION : START SECTION ***** START RECORD GO HERE. ***** FILE IGES INFORMATION : GLOBAL SECTION ***** Product identification from sender : CNEXT - IGES PRODUCT File name : MyFile.igs System I.D. : IBM CATIA IGES - CATIA Version 5 Release 14 Preprocessor version : CATIA Version 5 Release 14 Number of binary bits for integer representation : 32 Single precision magnitude : 75 Single precision significance : 6 Double precision magnitude : 75 Double precision significance : 15 Product identification for the receiver : Product1 Model space scale : 1 Unit flag : 2 Units : MM Maximum number of line weight gradations : 1000 Width of maximum line weight in units : 0 Date & time of exchange file generation : 20040217.174814 Minimum user-intended resolution : 0.001 Approximate maximum coordinate value : 10000 Name of author : bmt Author's organization : DS Version number : 11 Drafting standard code : 0 Data & time model was created/modified : 20040217.174814 Mil-specification ( protocol W.E.I.Y.I. ) : ============================================ *** = Processing new independent element * = Intermediate processing !! = Independent element K.O. ! = Intermediate error -------------------------------------------- <I> = Information <W> = Warning <E> = Error -------------------------------------------- [0000] = Message identifier : 0000 [T=xxx] = Entity Type Step : xxx [#0000] = Entity identifier number : 0000 ============================================ Actual display level : Customer ============================================ ***<I> [0498] \\MyFolder\MyFile.igs ============================================ <I> [2011] The Product Reference has been created. The value of its PLM_ExternalID attribute name is Product1_22943 <I> [2010] The 3D shape representation has been created. The value of its PLM_ExternalID attribute name is Product1_33080 -------------------------------------------- ***<I> [0555] Beginning Import... *** ***PROCESSING ELEMENT [T=144] [#19] <W> [0076] [T=142] [#17] There is no Parametric Curve for this boundary. Only 3D Curves can be used <I> [0776] [T=144] [#19] The entity name is Surface.1 ... ***PROCESSING ELEMENT [T=144] [#263] <W> [0076] [T=142] [#261] There is no Parametric Curve for this boundary. Only 3D Curves can be used <I> [0776] [T=144] [#263] The entity name is Surface.4 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o <I> [0500] Product1 is correctly created, You can save this document --------------------------------------------
At Export
Two files are generated at the end of export.
These files are created in a location referenced by the USERPROFILE variable on Windows. Its default value is Profiles\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Dassault Systemes\CATReport on Windows (user being you logon id).
Report File
Its name is name_of_file.rpt. It provides references about the quality of the transfer.
Error File
Its name is name_of_file.err.