Shape Operations

The Shape Operations section of the action bar provides commands belonging to the Generative Shape Design app.

Creates the boundary curve of a surface or the boundary point of a curve by selecting a surface edge or a surface.
See Creating Boundaries.

Extracts a face or a surface edge.
See Extracting Elements.

Multiple Extract
Extracts sub-elements that are joined into one element.
See Extracting Sub-Elements.

Trims two or more surface or wireframe elements by cutting each other mutually.
See Trimming Geometry.

Splits a surface or wireframe element using a cutting element.
See Splitting Geometry.

Shape Fillet
Creates a shape fillet between two or three surfaces.
  • Select the Fillet type.
  • Select Support 1 and Support 2.
  • In case of Tritangent Fillet type, select the Support to remove.

Edge Fillet
Creates a radius fillet with a constant radius or variable radii.
  1. Select the edge to be filleted.
  2. Select the Extremities type.
  3. Specify the Radius.
  4. Select Constant Variation.

Variable Fillet...
Creates a fillet whose radius varies along the edge.
See Creating Edge Fillets Using Variable Radii.

Assemble adjacent curves or surfaces to one element.
See Joining Curves or Surfaces.

Creates a surface that is offset from a reference surface.
See Creating Offset Surfaces.

Creates wireframe geometry by intersecting elements.
See Creating Intersections.

Creates an extruded surface by extruding a profile along a given direction.
See Creating Extruded Surfaces.

Creates a revolution surface by revolving a planar profile about an axis.
See Creating Revolved Surfaces.

Creates a blended surface between two wireframe elements.
See Creating Blended Surfaces.

Circular Pattern
Creates circular patterns using single or multiple surfacing or volumic elements.
See Creating Circular Patterns using Single Elements.

Rectangular Pattern
Creates rectangular patterns using single or multiple surfacing or volumic elements.
See Creating Rectangular Patterns using Single Elements.

Draft Analysis
Analyses the draft angle on a surface to ensure its manufacturing feasibility.
See Analyzing the Draft Angle.

Cutting Plane Analysis
Projects curves onto surfaces, each curve representing the intersection of a cutting plane with the surfaces.
See Analyzing Using Cutting Planes.

Isophotes Mapping
Applies isophotes on a part to analyze the quality of its surface.
Select a mapping type and then select a surface.

Porcupine Curvature Analysis
Creates a visual representation of the point, tangent, and curvature continuity of curves and surfaces.
See Analyzing Using Porcupine Curvature.