Create a directory into which you will extract the media.
Throughout this procedure, SOFT_DIR refers to the full path of this directory. For example, on C:\Soft\ on Windows, and /Soft/ on Linux. - Procure the media for your operating system for the 3DEXPERIENCE platform app to install.
The name of the media may be: ENOVIAxxx-VERSION-PLATFORM.EXT where EXT is .zip on Windows and .tar.gz on Linux.
Uncompress (unzip or untar) this file in the same directory.
Throughout this procedure, V6_Product_Dir refers to the full path of the directory named "1" of the uncompressed DS Installer media. For example, V6_Product_Dir is: C:\Soft\MyApp.Windows64\1 on Windows and: /Soft/MyApp.Linux64/1 on UNIX. Note that, if your app media software is split into more than one
file, you must uncompress (untar/unzip) all the files into the same
directory. To check the integrity of the unzipped files, you can use the DSYInsMediaCheck media checker tool located on the unzipped media in: \1\0data\OS. For example, Windows users can just double-click the DSYInsMediaCheck.exe file. It will say PASSED if
OK, or display the possible errors in the media files. Use the "-h" option for help.
- To find out if the media embeds the DS Installer core files, check if there is a Readme_Windows.txt or Readme_UNIX.txt file, depending on the operating system, in the V6_Product_Dir directory.
When this file is present, the DS Installer
media must be unloaded before installing this 3DEXPERIENCE platform app. In this case, refer to Unloading the DS Installer Media. If this file is not present, the DS Installer core files are embedded in this 3DEXPERIENCE platform app, so you can
refer directly to Launching the Installation.